mardi 10 mars 2015

Four key questions to build your digital performance World

P-Val provides services to support its clients in their digital transformation with an original approach « move from your old World to a World of digital performance ».

What does it mean?

Innovations introduced by the Digital represent a real revolution in our practices as could be the industrial revolution.

The challenge is not to become digital or not. It is to transform better and faster than its actual and new competitors in order to stay synchronized with the external World, the one of your clients.

Digital transformation is not limited into putting in place multi-channel technology solutions, publication chain or corporate social network,…
This transformation is addressed too much by the technological lever: the « techno-push ».
When it is not just a kind of a social network catchphrase to look cool, this drift costs a lot, with projects that are not always answering real customer needs and an uncertain profitability.  

Okay, but what are actually the key elements of a World of digital performance?

Enter to a Digital World is to get an in-depth review of all the company’s operations: the management mode, the decision-making process, the performance measurement and its recognition, the internal and external interactions, the customer relationship…

Question 1 : First of all, the performance representation. After the computerization phase that helped build and steer complex, international organizations massified on a centralized mode, there is now room for open organizations that are decentralized, connected, agile, just in time. The company “justifies itself” more in terms of external than internal judgment.  

Question 2 : Then, the recognition loop has been turned upside down. The performance assessment comes from everywhere, at any moment, short-circuiting the hierarchy, the « senior users ». It is the « trip advisor » style. The upgrading is done on more diversified and fragmented registers. Development paths are becoming autonomous, personalized.

Question 3 : The internal and external interactions are the third key axis. They are reinventing themselves, in the distance, intermediated by (almost) intelligent machines. All our interactions are to be reinvented to dominate new degrees of freedom. Keeping in mind that the human being have multiple needs at various moments: from physical to proximity, from the expert advisory, from the transactional cold, …

Question 4 : Finally, the decision-making is radically transforming with the big data but far more with massive presence of intelligent systems, sometimes more intelligent than us : Imagine when you will have an IBM watson able to treat a mass of information 10 000 times faster than you can, in a mere second, with algorithms of a chess champion ? The part that will be yours will be small. What would be the consequences on delegations, responsibility, teams autonomy? What global vision for a relevant decision? What role for managers ?
To learn to use these tools and to redefine the added value of human being is a major challenge. 

Avec ces quatre pistes de questionnement vous pouvez commencer à bâtir un Monde digital, spécifique à votre entreprise et à son enjeu de synchronisation avec son monde externe

With these four drafts of questions, you can start building a digital World, specific to your company and its synchronization challenge with its external world.

Laurent Dugas

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