Why this blog?

The book “Changer de Monde pour réussir votre stratégie” has been launched on October 22nd 2010. This blog is the interactive following, from the current affairs and your feedback.
Why do we write a book and this blog?
The Worlds method is the core of our activity at P-Val Conseil since 2005. We had the opportunity to develop with success our theory in several situations:
-          Major international companies and SMEs
-          Marketing and commercial directions, financial office, HR, IT…
-          Industrial and services sites
-          Worldwide business line, Countries

We want to share this experience with many people.
Nowadays we want to go further than the business scope to discover other aspects of life: society, family, cultural and sport activities…
This book and the blog are designed for people who want to better understand their environment and who want to make it change or just to synchronize with it.

Why this book?

Because we believe in stories, in books that give pleasure when reading it.
Because we think it is important to dare to deal with complex topics to make them more simple.
Because Worlds topics are important to everyone and it is worth it to take them over.

Buy it, read it, offer it, talk about it and share with us through this blog or face to face.

Enjoy the reading

Laurent Dugas  06 62 96 23 03

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