vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Danone 2020 : More than a strategy, a new world

During an interview the 3rd of September to the Figaro (French newspaper), Franck Riboud explains the Danone strategy for 2020.

We could have expected some sayings like “becoming a leader…” or “reach a profitability of..” or even “develop this or this market”.

Not at all.

Franck Riboud strategic lines are way more powerful.

More than a strategy, Franck Riboud proposes a new World for Danone and his teams.
Here is his answer at the question “What are your strategic lines? ”:

Firstly, Danone will be a company with a position on feeding issues of the tomorrow World aligned on the economic and social issues and public health.
Secondly, a company which thinks again its upstream relations (to better manage raw material…) and its downstream ones (to take benefit of new distribution ways).
Thirdly, a company with an adapted organization to new working styles and to new business models based on alliances.

Why do we say that an Expected-World-Strategy for 2020 is more powerful than normal strategic lines?

Explaining the Expected-World-Strategy will allow teams to understand the new synchronization with the clients, providers, partners and co-workers… If the company succeeds in turning into the expected World then the objectives will be reached easily.

To summarize: an expected World is more than a simple sentence “what we want to become”, it is also “what we want to be in order to be synchronized with the evolutions of our environment which are described as well”

I guess many readers of this blog are designing a strategy for the next years. Think about the way to do it. We can help you.

Moreover, do no forget that after designing the Expected-World-Strategy, you need to manage the matching transformation.

Your company is not aligned with your 2020 expected World.

A simple convention will not be enough to reach it…

Bruno Jourdan

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